Sunday, September 9, 2012

sleep with one eye opened.

Why one should never fall asleep while my children are awake.

Let me begin by saying:
  1. Will is still not used to the time change.
  2. He realized he had a LOT more Yingling then he thought.
  3. He found a bottle of red wine that he declared was his new favorite.
  4. He normally doesn't drink a fourth of that combination at home watching football.
So he fell asleep on the couch. Then he halfway fell off the couch.  (The kids and I were doing a project outside which I will share soon.)

We walk inside. I turn and see him half on half off the couch. Instantly take picture. Turn to put my camera up and check battery statues on IPAD. Check out why the kids are laughing. Grab camera once  again and take another picture.  The kids topped him off with Eeyore.  Then added a few blankets. Finally the cherry on top themselves.  

I was not involved in any of this!  I just watched their little brains think of ways to decorate daddy.  It was fun watching the thought process.  Will during this...SLEPT the entire time! I think he grunted maybe once.  I finally told the kids to leave daddy alone and we made dad move to the bed where he could sleep in peace.  We had, had our fun! 

So take this as a fair warning.....if you ever stay the night, eat Thanksgiving dinner, or drink too much at one of our "celebrations"  all is fair :)  

1 comment:

  1. LOL! This made me laugh. I can picture my boys doing this to their daddy too. :) Too funny, thanks for sharing! Happy Sunday!
