Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Miles Between Us

This morning I am throughly thankful for coffee!  But who isn't when they have a 4 year old and a 21 month old. We'll just say that last night was one of those "really?  REALLY?"  nights where no one wanted to to sleep and we had a few accidents occur.  Oh the life of a mom :) wouldn't trade it for the world.

Well in keeping to my theme, for the time being, one thing I am grateful for is long distance relationships.  I know it may sound odd but I truly believe that distance has been a blessing in my marriage.  My husband and I have been married for 6 years and within that time I do not think we have spent a whole year together without him leaving for a least a months time.  It's almost like a mini vacation, tehehe.

Now please don't think I don't miss him or I go running around spending mad cash on myself and all that jazz.  Because I don't and I do miss him terribly when he is home our world works so much better.  It's like removing the screws from a bird house we kind of just fall apart a little. Every time he leaves it reminds me of why I fell in love with him.  The little things you miss about each other that seem to get lost in the daily routine.

It also makes me step up my game at home.  Whenever he is gone I feel that is time for me to build on my relationship with my children.  To teach them that even if someone is gone they still love and care about you.  Plus we do some crazy projects to pass the time while waiting for daddy to return.

But one of the best things I love about distance, I work out like a nut!  I always want to look better when he returns then I did when he left.  You see I lack self motivation in the working out department so when he is gone its like lighting a fire under my buns (literally I did my leg workout yesterday and I'm sore!!!!!).

Today I'm thankful for distance.

"Absence is to love as wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small and kindles the great."
Roger de Bussy-Rabutin


  1. Absence (in my case, small ones, and weekly) is great for a love! I know it's not for everyone, but since my hubby is gone so much, I really do have a better perspective/attitude when he finally is home! ya know?

    1. Oh amen! right now I feel like my mind is all groggy, might be I just woke up but mostly cause I always have him in the back of it. I know you are ready to get your buns home :)
