Monday, September 24, 2012

Great Mondays

Monday, Monday, Monday.  Will had this wonderful Monday off.  Which was nice, he took Triston to school and picked him up.  I was able to stay home with Andi and continue to attempt to teach the foreign concept of going to the bathroom on the potty. No progress on that home front. (If you have any advice for girls PLEASE let me know, my son was easy....Andi not so much.)

When Will left to take Triston to school today he forgot his phone.  After he dropped him off he said he was going to the gym and then to get his hair cut.  Triston gets out of school at 11:15, I wasn't sure if Will remembered.  So around 10:30 I start to over analyze think "what if he forgets Triston!".  So me being me goes on this crazy train of what will Triston think if he thinks we forgot about him. Is he going to freak out?  How am I going to get a hold of Will...he has or only carseat. Blah, blah, blah... I call my mom and tell her my situation, she tells me he has the carseat he knows. Also asks why I don't have two carseats ( we only JUST got our second car).  He didn't forget him. I freaked out about nothing.

Isn't it crazy where your brain can take you?  I mean my mind can go crazy places when I am freaking out about things.  Do you do the same thing?  Does your mind take you on a adventure when it is not needed?

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