Thursday, September 20, 2012

Cannoli and Expresso

Well around here when we do a play date we DO a play date!

Today my two good friends, Molly and Katie, joined me to make cannoli's and expresso.

First off, I am a cannoli WHORE! If we go to ANY place that sells them I WILL buy one (or 6).  It is almost an addiction.   Will knows if he wants to sweeten me up bring one home and my parents always buy me some from the bakery when we come to visit.

We found the cannoli recipe on pinterest.  If you like cannoli's you should try it.  It is a little different since you are using pie crust but is EXTREMELY easy and pretty dang good.  Katie was a barista so she taught me how to properly use my expresso machine.  Honestly I will be surprised if any of us sleep tonight.

Good food; great friends. What more could a girl ask for?