Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Yes I really did that

You know those days where you have no idea where you left your common sense, yep that's me.

Let me tell you what I did....

I'm in the bathroom getting ready for bed time.  I'm in the middle of brushing me teeth and in walks Triston.  At this point I am rinsing out my mouth.  I lean over and pull open the drawer that the toothpaste is in and point to it to show Triston that he needs to go brush his teeth.

All normal until now.

I need to spit out the water I am swishing in my mouth.  What do I do.......spit it out. NOT thinking I am no longer over the sink I'm leaning over the drawer.  DANG ME!  So I have a very clean  bathroom drawer.


  1. I am worried....are my grandchildren safe in your house while their dady is gone!?!?

    1. Haha! At least I didn't spit while he was looking in the drawer :)
