Sunday, August 19, 2012

Treasure Hunt

Amazing Day! 

The View from where we found our box

Today we pulled ride bikes in the park.  

 We picked up a lunch, had a picnic and got on our bikes.  It was fun!  The weather was too good to go back home so we decided to go on a treasure hunt.  

Our version of treasure hunt, Letter Boxing  (another site).  If you have never heard of this you are missing out!  Pretty much a treasure hunt of sorts.  People hide a weather proof box that contains a stamp and a pad of paper.  You  then follow the clues to said box with your own stamp and pad of paper.  Once the box is found you stamp the pad of paper in the box leave a note and date you visited.  Then stamp your pad of paper with the stamp in the box.  In my book I say where it was, date, a little note, then there is room on the page to print out a picture we took at the box to remember.  

I found the box after breaking my phone on a rock!

Triston was excited about the stamp but this one had lost its stamp so he was a little mad. But hey" life doesn't always go as planned",  "it's about journey as well as the destination" and all those teaching moments in life.  

If you get a chance to check out letter boxing do you never know what you will find.  People put boxes in places that are amazing and you wouldn't even know about had you not looked.  Go have fun!!!! 

OHHH and the picture of me, compliments of Triston :) 

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