Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hidden Eyes

While perusing pinterest I came across a fun pin of someone putting glowing eyes in their bushes.  Super cute yes!  So of course I repinned this great find.

OF course I have no bushes.

BOO!  Well how else could I use this little gem of free craft I can make in 5 seconds?

Find the eyes.

Yes our new game we love to play!  I cut out eyes in 3 toilet paper rolls and placed glow lights in them.  Then I send my kids to another room and hide them in around the room. Once I am done I turn the lights off and thats their Que.  They come a running!

Triston LOVED this game and we played quite a few rounds.  So if you want a fun Halloween game....hide some eyes!

On a random note:  There is a baby wipe monster stealing whole packs of baby wipes at my house.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Peacefully Beautiful

I love the mornings where you wake up and its barely light in your room.  When you climb out of bed to the cool morning air and everyone in the house is still peacefully sleeping.  Dreaming of far off worlds.

When you go to your sink and look out the window you see a wall of fog.  Slowly creeping towards the house. I love stepping outside and letting the fog encompass me. Slowly taking over the space around me, invading the air and making it's dewy presence known.

I love the serenity that comes in the early morning. The peace of the world waking around you.  The crisp chill of the air waking your lungs.  I love the beauty of the early morning.  I love fall.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Smore Covered Marshmallows

My dear friend Molly was over and pinning things on her iPad.  She showed me a picture of marshmallows cover with chocolate and graham crackers.

So away I went.  I had marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate chips. Why not make some?!?!?!  I only saw a picture so I have no idea how who ever made theirs did it but here is how I made mine:
EAT ME!!!!!

You will need:

  • wood skewers 
  • big marshmallows
  • chocolate chips
  • crisco
  • graham crackers crushed 
1. Place marshmallows on wooden skewers
2.  Put Chocolate chips and crisco in pan to melt.  I used 1/2 cup of chocolate chips to a 1/2 TBL of crisco.  It covered all 11 marshmallows and I had a little left over.
3 Dip marshmallows in melted chocolate and cover well.
4.  Cover marshmallows with crushed graham crackers.  We poured it over each one. 
5. EAT IT!!!  

So yummy!  The left over graham cracker and chocolate I combined.  Then today I added some marshmallow cream in it.  OMG yeah it was way too good.  
So if you happen to have all those lying around in your kitchen go make some.  You will be glad you did!  ENJOY :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Oh Snoopy

One of my favorite thing about fall is that there are Peanuts movies to watch EVERY MONTH!

I am a Peanuts freak. I love Snoopy.  The reason being in my mom gave me some Peanuts comics when I was a little girl that she had when she was growing up. So they make me feel close to her.

Well today Triston runs into the living room and asks if he could watch The Great Pumpkin.  My heart swelled and I got a huge smile and my face.


Monday, September 24, 2012

Great Mondays

Monday, Monday, Monday.  Will had this wonderful Monday off.  Which was nice, he took Triston to school and picked him up.  I was able to stay home with Andi and continue to attempt to teach the foreign concept of going to the bathroom on the potty. No progress on that home front. (If you have any advice for girls PLEASE let me know, my son was easy....Andi not so much.)

When Will left to take Triston to school today he forgot his phone.  After he dropped him off he said he was going to the gym and then to get his hair cut.  Triston gets out of school at 11:15, I wasn't sure if Will remembered.  So around 10:30 I start to over analyze think "what if he forgets Triston!".  So me being me goes on this crazy train of what will Triston think if he thinks we forgot about him. Is he going to freak out?  How am I going to get a hold of Will...he has or only carseat. Blah, blah, blah... I call my mom and tell her my situation, she tells me he has the carseat he knows. Also asks why I don't have two carseats ( we only JUST got our second car).  He didn't forget him. I freaked out about nothing.

Isn't it crazy where your brain can take you?  I mean my mind can go crazy places when I am freaking out about things.  Do you do the same thing?  Does your mind take you on a adventure when it is not needed?

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Wine time

I could not have a day like today and NOT share it with y'all!  First off we went to two wineries.  The first was St. James and the other was Meramec.  St. James had 40 different wines at their tasting and you could choose 8 different ones.  Katie, Molly and I stood near each other so we shared sips.  So in total I think we each tried a good 12 ones.
Pictures By Molly Robin Photography

My favorite was the Island Getaway.  It's a sparkling wine that taste like you need to be sitting on a beach.  SO good!  If you are ever traveling Route 66 stop by and try some. Mmmm you will thank me.
Pictures by Molly Robin Photography

Then at Meramec Winery I bought a bottle of their Harvest Moon.  I brought it back for my hubby for watching the kids.  It taste like pumpkin spice, which was different.  The lady at the tasting said to mix it with apple cider.  So when we break open the bottle I will let you know how it mixes.

Now to the food post of the day :)

My amazing french toast:

This was probably the best french toast I have ever made!  It was so good.

The apple sauce:

OK I looked at a few different recipes and threw together what I thought would be good.

Danielle's apple sauce:

15 small apples
2 TBL brown Sugar
1.5 TSP cinnamon
squirt of lemon juice

I used me apple peeler corer slicer. Then I threw all the ingredients together in the crockpot on low for 6 hours.  Make sure to stir a few times while cooking.

Here is the only made about a cup of apple sauce. SO if you want more I would put a few more apples in the pot.  Or you could always put some water in there and make it a little thinner.  But it taste great. I will be making it again.

Not so random note My friend Molly was the photographer of the beautiful pictures from the winery.  She is one artsy girl!  You should go check her blog Between the Sheetz out she is cooking her way through the Pioneer Women's cookbook! Warning you might become hungry!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Wine and Dine

It's Friday!  I am super excited that the weekend is here.  This weekend is going to be great tomorrow I am going to St. James Winery with some good friends.  Then Sunday we are having some close friends over for dinner.  This weekend will be filled with good friends, amazing food, and some great wine.

Sunday I will fill you in on how the amazing food and wine goes.  But I wanted to give you a heads up on what to look forward to.  

Tomorrow:  When we made the cannoli's I had left over filling.  SO me and my amazing brain thought, hmm what to do with the extra filling?  How about stuffed french toast?!?!?!?  I know pick you jaw up off the floor from that amazing idea.  So right now I have home made french bread cooking in the oven.  My house smells AMAZING! 

Then after my filling french toast I am going to try my hand at some homemade apple sauce.  My friend Katie brought over some fresh picked apples and I found a recipe that you make it in the crockpot.  If all goes well I will let you know how it turned out.  I think I am going to change a few things in the recipe so we shall see :)

While the apple sauce is doing it's thing I am going to head out to the winery.  Once home we are making the 25 pound turkey my husband grabbed at the commissary.  Great story that goes like this: 
Me: "Hey booger (what I call my hubby, yeah laugh) can you grab a turkey on the way home?  The one thing I forgot when I went shopping is the biggest I needed go figure."
Will: "Yeah babe no problem."
So he comes home with an arm full of things and this HUGE turkey.

Me: "Will this is huge.  Why did you get such a big turkey?  Do you know how big it is?  25 lbs we only needed it for Saturday (only the 4 of us and Triston wont eat it) and Sunday for the turkey tetrazzini."
Will: "I just grabbed the first one I saw."

Bahahahaha! Really?  I love him! Such a guy!  So yes now we will have a HUGE meal on Saturday.  No complaints as we will be pretty much fed for 4 days in a row.

Sunday: I am using the other loaf of french bread and making turkey tetrazzini.  I use the Pioneer Women's recipe. Check it out!  I have made it a few times before and it is amazing.  For our family we eat left overs through the whole week.  If you want to impress your friends make it some time.

 I will update you on how this weekend of yumminess goes!

Hope everyone else is having fun this weekend!!!!!